Category: Online Resources
Map of the Zerafshan valley
Etienne de la Vaissière has kindly shared this map of the Zerafshan valley in the 7th century on He states: Map drawn for my Histoire des marchands sogdiens, Paris: Collège de France, 2002, map 5. Please feel free to modify and adapt it to your needs: the layers can be modified in Illustrator. Although I…
Biographical notices
BL’s Asian and African studies blog has a nice piece on George Percy Churchill’s biographical notices of Persian statesmen and notables.
Middle East Medievalists
‘Middle East Medievalists is an international professional association of scholars interested in the study of the medieval Islamic world’. The association’s website and online journal, Al-`Usur al-Wusta, are hosted by the Islamic History Commons. MEM also have a page on Facebook.
انتشار اولین شماره «بساتین»
بساتین، نشريهاي علمي ـ تخصّصي در موضوع نسخههاي خطي اسلامي است، اين نشريه در زمينه مطالعاتِ کتاب شناختی، مباحث نسخه شناسی، تاريخ علم مسلمانان، کتابخانههاي تراثي، مجموعهداري کتب خطي و اسناد کهن، ترجيحاً با محوريّت ميراث مکتوب کهن شيعه و معرّفي آثار فرهيختگان مسلمان، به صورت دو فصلنامه، به سه زبان فارسي، عربي و انگليسي،…
DABIR: Digital Archive of Brief notes & Iran Review
DABIR, published by the Dr. Samuel M. Jordan Center for Persian Studies and Culture at the University of California, Irvine, is a new open access journal focusing on publishing brief notes rather than full length articles. Our aim is to speed up the publishing process, hoping to enable researchers to communicate and share their ideas…
A few of our favourite things
The The International Dunhuang Project‘s (IDP) series of A Few of Our Favourite Things is now complete. The 20 contributions cover a wide range of manuscripts found at Dunhuang, featuring among others objects discussed by Desmond Durkin-Meisterernst, Nicholas Sims-Williams and Prods Oktor Skjærvø.
Mantiq al-tayr ‘The Speech of the Birds’
Among the recently digitised Persian manuscripts of the British Library is the manuscript BL Add. 7735, an illustrated copy of Farīd al-Dīn ‘Aṭṭār’s Manṭiq al-ṭayr ‘The Speech of the Birds’. The Asian and African studies blog of the British Library discusses this manuscript and the Manṭiq al-ṭayr in a multi-part blog, featuring superb miniatures. To…
پرده نقشدار زرتشتیان
متن نسخهی فارسی مصاحبه من با دکتر ستوارت دربارهی نمایشگاه شعلهی جاویدان را اینجا بخوانید.